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Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

American Law Program

Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту


The participation in the webinars is free-of-charge and available to everyone interested.

Participants may register through the Forms link for each webinar they wish to attend at latest one day beforehand if they would like to receive an email reminder with a Zoom link. Participation without prior registration is also possible through the Zoom link which is also pasted here: https://cua.zoom.us/j/86076369060

The webinar will take place via the free Zoom software. Download is free and needs to be done only once for each device on the computer, tablet, or phone on which you will participate. To avoid delay in joining the webinar, please download in advance at this link (see: Zoom Client for Meetings).


The formal webinar lasts 60 minutes and will be recorded for later posting. Participants will be invited to ask questions in the Chat function. Speakers have agreed to stay on for up to 30 minutes for additional questions. This informal Q&A will not be part of the recorded posting.

Webinar recordings will be available (without registration) via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/CUALawSchool  a few days after the session. YouTube offers the option to see closed captions with the text of the recording. Participants seeking certification of attendance must participate in the live Zoom session.


Upon request, each participant who attended 5 out of the 7 webinars via Zoom will receive a certificate of attendance in the series. Certificates of attendance at individual sessions on Zoom also can be provided upon request, too.

When requesting a certificate, note, please, in which webinar(s) you attended.

Proposal for American Law Program Candidates

The English language entrance exam for the 2022-23 American Law Program will be waived for participants who earned the certificate of participation in 5 of 7 webinars.

It is possible to sign-in to the American Law Program without the already earned certificate, under the condition that it is obtained later. This option is recommended due to possible lack of empty places at the later period.

Other participation conditions, including the program fee, apply.


For questions, contact Wojciech Bańczyk (wojciech.banczyk@uj.edu.pl), Manager of the American Law Program.